Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

The Vietnam Graffiti Project

         The Vietnam Graffiti Project is dedicated to preserving and providing access to a remarkable array of historical material from various ships that supported United States military forces in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. The materials you will find here include bunk canvases, ships logs, nautical charts, and other artifacts and documents. The collection provides insight into life onboard these ships, especially troop transports.
Visitors will find the bunk canvases to be very special as they reveal what went through the minds of countless young American soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen as they spent nearly three weeks traversing the Pacific Ocean either on their way to Southeast Asia or on their way home after their tour of duty. At times comical, philosophical, vulgar, and innocent, the messages left behind on the canvases are an interesting and important addition to the cultural and social history of the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam Graffiti Project is a joint endeavor between The Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech University and The Maritime Administration (MARAD). The US National Defense Reserve Fleet under MARAD contains a number of troop transports and other ships. The Vietnam Archive is primarily tasked with collecting and preserving materials from the ships. In addition, the artifacts will be digitized and made available online through this web page and the Virtual Vietnam Archive. After all materials have been properly cataloged and digitized, other museums and institutions will be invited to request materials on loan so that they can be used in displays around the country. The ships contain a vast collection of materials that reflect the cultural, social, and military history of the United States. It is essential that they be shared so that Americans everywhere can learn from them.

Street-art in Viet Nam

Bombing sciense graffiti forums

Ancient graffiti may display oldest alphabet

LOS ANGELES (AP) Researchers have photographed what may be the earliest known alphabetical writing — graffiti carved by Semitic soldiers on an Egyptian cliff wall about 4,000 years ago.
Two inscriptions, which have not been deciphered may contain at least one man's name and perhaps a reference to God.
Bruce Zuckerman and Marilyn Lundberg, of the University of Southern California specialize in photographing ancient documents and inscriptions. They were enlisted to photograph the graffiti in June.
The pictures and researchers' interpretations were presented last week at a conference of the American Oriental Society.
Acts of minor vandalism in their time, the figures scrawled by Semitic soldiers around the 19th century B.C. appear to be proof that alphabetical writing is nearly 200 years older than originally believed, said Egyptologist John Coleman Darnell of Yale University.
The system of characters used is the ancestor of modern alphabets, including the English, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic and Greek letters.
Alphabetical writing was revolutionary because it extended the ability to read to the common person. Alphabets use characters to represent single letters or sounds. Previous systems used hundreds of pictographs to represent words. Only scribes and rulers had time to memorize them.
"This is an important discovery filling in a blank at the beginning of the alphabet," said Frank Cross, an early alphabet expert at Harvard University. "Its simplicity is breathtaking, compared to the writing systems of the time."
Darnell discovered the inscriptions in the summer of 1998 while studying a gulch in southern Egypt that was once part of an ancient military road between Thebes to Abydos.
Previously, the earliest examples of the characters were found in Syria, Lebanon and Israel. Darnell's discovery may indicate that the alphabet was created in Egypt, not on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean.
The system is derived from Egyptian hieroglyphics, but shortened and streamlined.

Graffiti Indoor Advertising Celebrates 28 Years in Business with New Web Design

         In business since 1984, Graffiti Indoor Advertising Company has boasted a long history of advertising expertise and professional consulting services. In celebration of the valuable and influential years, with the design and development help from Horton Group, Graffiti is launching their new website.
Graffiti Indoor provides a unique venue for client messages, advertising in restrooms. Graffiti Indoor boards are found in the restrooms of Middle Tennessee restaurants, night clubs, health clubs and other high traffic venues. The advertising medium seeks to target specific demographics in a relaxed and clutter-free environment. Typically, the Graffiti Indoor framed ads are mounted above the urinals in the men's room and inside the stall doors in ladies' room.
Aside from their wide variety of host venues, Graffiti delivers effective, low-cost advertising by targeting customers by age, gender, lifestyle, income, and ZIP code. Due to the ad locations, their target audience includes adults with disposable incomes which helps to illustrate why the advertising is so beneficial for businesses.
This isn’t the first time that Graffiti Indoor Advertising, the world’s oldest restroom advertiser, and the Nashville-based marketing experts at Horton Group, have teamed up. Graffiti’s old website, developed several years prior, was unable to keep up with the constantly changing technology which provided the impetus for a transition to a Drupal website built by Horton Group.
Drupal is an open-source content management system, that utilizes the knowledge from an international network of developers allowing for rapid growth and multi-faceted problem-solving. Horton Group prides itself on being a Drupal provider because of the excellent reputation it has for being a flexible and scalable solution to business owners and entrepreneurs. Drupal has powered sites as influential as The White House, The Economist and more.
Graffiti Indoor Advertising has launched their new website with a myriad of new features all designed to increase user-functionality and improve the longevity and custom features for the future. Some of the new capabilities include showcasing a featured client throughout the website in addition to providing a clean format to review all of the Graffiti clients. The homepage slideshow is also much more dynamic allowing the company to change the captions and photos as often as they’d like. They also have an interactive photo gallery designed to highlight their product in various locations.
In their 28 years of business, Graffiti Indoor Advertising has been well known throughout North America and continues to provide quality advertising for local businesses. There have been many duplicate companies throughout the years but Graffiti has been around the longest and will continue to offer advertising at affordable costs with superior industry knowledge.

A French Hotel Room Half Covered in Graffiti

A French Hotel Room Half Covered in Graffiti interior design graffiti France art
A French Hotel Room Half Covered in Graffiti interior design graffiti France art
A French Hotel Room Half Covered in Graffiti interior design graffiti France art
A French Hotel Room Half Covered in Graffiti interior design graffiti France art
A French Hotel Room Half Covered in Graffiti interior design graffiti France art

Art Crimes: France 10

Pack, Posk - in Basel

In Lyon:
Nome Mite, Nome, Coka

Nome, Toner, Mite, Poas

Toner, Nome Nome
In Grenoble:
Ride Stun

Nesta, Nikodem, Vins, Srek, Bazar, Totem

Street-art in France


        Beberapa arkeolog mengatakan bahwa sebuah lukisan berusia 20.000 tahun pada dinding gua di selatan Perancis dapat disebut sebagai graffiti tertua di dunia. Lukisan bergambar binatang dan beraneka bentuk geometris itu kemungkinan besar merupaka symbol dari suatu klan. Sedangkan bentuk tertua dari graffiti berbentuk tulisan berasal dari zaman Yunani-Romawi. Beberapa graffiti ini masih dapat ditemukan (dan dibaca) di berbagai tempat bekas wilayah jajahan Yunani-Romawi, termasuk di Pompeii.
Di sana kita akan menemukan tulisan “quisquis amat valeat” yang artinya “Semoga beruntung bagi para kekasih.” Dan “Admiror, paries, te non cecidisse ruinis, qui tot scriptorium taedia sustineas” yang berarti “Saya kagum, tembok, kau tidak runtuh menjadi puing, kau yang menahan begitu banyak tulisan membosankan.

Set of 50 Cool and Creative Graffiti

Micha in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Mrzer in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Deuce 7
Street2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Street3 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Street4 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Banksy3 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Banksy2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Marquis Lewis
Street6 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Retna Saber Revok SeventhLetter
Eagle in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Mr Mucho
Swarm in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Gaia in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Wall Spankers Project
Our goal is to bring together international artists and designers in a collaborative, sharing environment. The website serves as an online gallery showcasing the artists involved in the sticker swap. Currently 4 issues are released.
Reone1 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Reone2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Street1 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Street5 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Lady Pink: Sandra Fabara
Lady Pink is a legend. In the 1980s she made a name for herself as one of the only females capable of competing with men in the graffiti subculture.
01 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Xenz: Graeme Brusby
Xenz1 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Liv2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Xenz in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Saber1 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Saber2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
6em-2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
6em-3 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Vancouver Street Art
Vanc1 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Vanc2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Vanc3 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Vanc4 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Collective Graffiti, Chiado, Lisbon
Lisbon in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Buddy2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Jake in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Lois In Wonderland
Loi in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Mac in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Hammo in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Abi in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Newfie Bullet
Dark in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Kelp in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Newfie Bullet
Green in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Stuart Herbert
Stuart1 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Stuart2 in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Seet in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Wicked in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Akbar Simonse
Akbar in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Marc in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Jose in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Mura in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Guy Fawkes
Fawk in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Bit in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Kek in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Cloud in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Loup in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Laughing Squid
Laugh in Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks