When you walk by graffiti in the street, do you take
the time to study it? Do you look at its composition to determine the
intention of the
person behind the spray paint can?
If you do, you may notice that there are identifiable styles or types
of graffiti. From the simple, quickly-done tags to the elaborate and
often breathtaking full-wall pieces, graffiti runs the gamut. There's a
whole language and complicated hierarchy of graffiti out there that
most people simply walk by every day without noticing.
Tagging is the simplest type of
consisting of the writer's street name in one color. Tags are basically
the graffiti writer's signature; if they're associated with a crew,
they might also contain the crew's name or initials. Tags can be seen
everywhere and are done in spray paint, markers or pens. If a tag is
put up over another writer's tag or piece, it's extremely
throw-up is a little more complicated than a tag, usually having two or
three colors, but not nearly as elaborate as a piece. A throw-up is
something that can be done quickly and repeatedly, while still
identifying the writer. They're usually done in bubble letters, often
in one color with a differently-colored outline. When a graffiti writer
goes out bombing, they're usually either putting up tags or throw-ups
all over their area.
stencils is a quick and effective way to put up somewhat-complicated
pieces very quickly. By holding the stencil against the wall and
spraying, you can get a much more detailed picture than you would be
able to with just a spray can. Even if you use two or three layers to
make a more colorful and intricate picture, stencil graffiti can be
thrown up in a matter of minutes. This is the type of graffiti that was
made popular by the likes of Blek le Rat and
Banksy and has now taken hold with graffiti writers everywhere.
Stickers (Slaps)

(images via: djwudi)
Stickers are a quick and easy (some say lazy) way to throw up a tag
quickly. Graffiti writers used to use the "Hi, My Name Is" name tag
stickers, but these days it's also common to see them on the free
address labels you can get from the Post Office. It's just as likely to
see elaborate, professional-looking printed stickers with a message or
image plastered all over. Graffiti artists like stickers because they
can take their time on the art in private, then quickly slap them up
Wildstyle is a
particular style of writing that was developed and popularized by
graffiti artists like Tracy 168, Stay High 149 and Zephyr in New York
City. It's a complicated and extremely stylized form of writing that,
to the untrained eye, is not easy to read. Wildstyle writing features
arrows, spikes, curves and other elements that non-graffiti artists may
have a hard time understanding. Wildstyle pieces are often 3D and
considered to be one of the most complicated forms of graffiti.
piece (short for masterpiece) is a graffiti painting, much more complex
than a tag and having at least three colors. Pieces are hard to do
illegally because of the time and effort involved, so a good piece will
gain a lot of respect for that particular graffiti artist. As graffiti
has gotten more respect as a legitimate art form, a lot of pieces have
been commissioned - or at least the artists given permission to put
them up.
blockbuster is used to cover maximum area in a minimal amount of time.
Often consisting of large block letters, the blockbuster can be
accomplished with paint rollers and two or three colors of paint.
Usually a blockbuster is put up to cover up other work or block other
writers from putting anything up on the same area.
heaven is a piece that's put up in a very hard-to-reach location, often
near or on the tops of tall buildings or on freeway signs. Because
they're so dangerous and difficult to reach, graffiti artists who
manage to get a piece up in such a spot will usually gain some added
respect from their peers.
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