Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012


       Community graffiti is one of a growing community and be a part of the community. Communities can also be referred to as the bomber community, where the bomber is a term for graffiti perpetrators. Graffiti was originally a youth culture in the big cities in the world. For centuries before, graffiti serves to indicate the presence of a person and to express things that are political, sexual, intellectual, poems about love, to the things that are against the government. Graffiti itself is derived from the Italian language, ie, grate, which means "scratch" or "writing". As it grows, graffiti street art has become in the corners of the developing world kota.Semakin graffiti, bombers also emerged around the world in one Indonesia.Meski many costs and risks that must be taken, the bomber was still in action.
Interactions that occur both within the graffiti community, conducted by the bomber allow Pula exchange of symbols that have a value so that value becomes the basis of the bomber to act. Acceptance of these values ​​by any graffiti actors have different meanings.
The focus of this study is the interpretation made by the bomber itself against the symbol "bomber recognized" through interactions at doing. In this study used two theories namely, the theory of symbolic interactionism theory Herbert Blumer and informal social groups. For informant selection techniques conducted purposive sampling, which means the researchers used a key informant to obtain the information needed, selected based on certain criteria. Furthermore, for the collection of data / information researchers used in-depth interview techniques.
In this study the results obtained in the two meanings, namely adjectival meaning and objective meaning. Where the meaning of adjectives cause the symbol of courage and pride in being a bomber. While the objective meaning of the symbols lead to creativity and self-confidence as a bomber has a greater ability than others. While the analysis of the bomber as a social group, the bomber is a form of informal social group.


A group of soldiers wearing a sweater and a mask carrying spray paint in hand began walking through the streets of Jakarta. After a while they could remain silent under the fly over, with a meaningful stare blank walls and dull it. A second later, their hands began to spray the walls with spray paint. No one knows what they are made at the time, until the next morning road users start astonished with the work of the bomber. And work is what we call "graffiti". Graffiti itself is derived from the Italian language is "graffito" and finally popularly known as graffiti. No one knows clearly when one art is gaining popularity in the world, which is clearly some evidence suggests that graffiti was there during the reign of the Roman Empire. Graffiti began to change from time to time and finally now more familiar with modern graffiti. In some countries, graffiti became a thing unlawful, in Indonesia there is definitely chapters about this one. If the bomber caught red-handed, they just need to remove their work is. Graffiti itself can be a means of the bomber to voice their social lives. But now even more inclined graffiti as a form of creativity in the arts.
Flow or in a graffiti style quite a lot, but the "tag" is one of the foundation that must be owned by the bomber. Tag is a style of writing or making drawings or writings so interesting, usually characterized by the bombers each on its tag them. In addition there is also the so-called tags throw-up or so-called fill-in, this is a very fast drawing techniques using two to three colors, where speed becomes the main objective in the style of this one. Most said the graffiti is what is referred to wildstyle. This style is called where a bomber can do anything, be it in terms of design or color selection, and the work of the most extreme being the most interesting thing here. The bombers were each produced works that sometimes makes a person should consider carefully the purpose and meaning of their works are.
RADICAL and Political
Graffiti also has a pretty bad reputation in the eyes of the government in almost all countries, because the graffiti was accused of being the most frontal media to blaspheme or criticize harshly a government in a country. Although even now a lot of graffiti that has left such a way, but still the government still many who do not agree with this one. You could say this art is an underground art category. You could say that because this activity is done in secret and is usually done at night. Talking about graffiti and politics will not be separated by a character named Alexander brener. He was the first to bring politics to the arts, and he also was the first political voice through the media on this one.
Graffiti now beginning to enter the golden age, except in Indonesia, in America or rather in the Brooklyn Museum held exhibitions graffiti often now referred to as contemporary art. Various professional bomber like Crash, Lee, Daze, Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat became a hero in the art of graffiti. About 22 bomber participated in this exhibition. Similarly in the United else in Australia. State makes this one even graffiti as a public race always has a number of participants very much.
In America graffiti was first discovered, because the number of bombers that bombed-bardir the corners of American cities, the government began providing the land for the bomber mengekplorasikan their works. In Philadelphia, for example. In 1984, the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network (PAGN) who was strongly opposed to this art eventually create a whole a program called Mural Arts Program. This program provides a very decent, but if the bomber is making graffiti on the outside of the area, the severe punishment must be ready to accept them. In the city of New York in 1995, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of making an army called the Anti-Graffiti Task Force, the army made to eradicate the bombers that roam the city. In addition, the sellers of spray paint can only sell his wares to people who are aged 18 years and above by showing their identity is. The bomber is caught must also pay a fine of U.S. $ 350, which is very damning of the bomber. Finally, one of the famous NYC bomber named Zephyr perform a series of efforts to legalize this activity, writing letters to the government. Peter Vallone, Jr.. who at the time served as a member of the government to legalize the request on January 1, 2006, but the terms of the bomber who perform these activities must be aged 21 years and above.