Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012


       Community graffiti is one of a growing community and be a part of the community. Communities can also be referred to as the bomber community, where the bomber is a term for graffiti perpetrators. Graffiti was originally a youth culture in the big cities in the world. For centuries before, graffiti serves to indicate the presence of a person and to express things that are political, sexual, intellectual, poems about love, to the things that are against the government. Graffiti itself is derived from the Italian language, ie, grate, which means "scratch" or "writing". As it grows, graffiti street art has become in the corners of the developing world kota.Semakin graffiti, bombers also emerged around the world in one Indonesia.Meski many costs and risks that must be taken, the bomber was still in action.
Interactions that occur both within the graffiti community, conducted by the bomber allow Pula exchange of symbols that have a value so that value becomes the basis of the bomber to act. Acceptance of these values ​​by any graffiti actors have different meanings.
The focus of this study is the interpretation made by the bomber itself against the symbol "bomber recognized" through interactions at doing. In this study used two theories namely, the theory of symbolic interactionism theory Herbert Blumer and informal social groups. For informant selection techniques conducted purposive sampling, which means the researchers used a key informant to obtain the information needed, selected based on certain criteria. Furthermore, for the collection of data / information researchers used in-depth interview techniques.
In this study the results obtained in the two meanings, namely adjectival meaning and objective meaning. Where the meaning of adjectives cause the symbol of courage and pride in being a bomber. While the objective meaning of the symbols lead to creativity and self-confidence as a bomber has a greater ability than others. While the analysis of the bomber as a social group, the bomber is a form of informal social group.

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