Sabtu, 10 November 2012


A group of soldiers wearing a sweater and a mask carrying spray paint in hand began walking through the streets of Jakarta. After a while they could remain silent under the fly over, with a meaningful stare blank walls and dull it. A second later, their hands began to spray the walls with spray paint. No one knows what they are made at the time, until the next morning road users start astonished with the work of the bomber. And work is what we know as? Graffiti?.
Graffiti itself is derived from the Italian language? Graffito? and finally popularly known as graffiti. No one knows clearly when one art is gaining popularity in the world, which is clearly some evidence suggests that graffiti was there during the reign of the Roman Empire. Graffiti began to change from time to time and finally now more familiar with modern graffiti. In some countries, graffiti became a thing unlawful, in Indonesia there is definitely chapters about this one. If the bomber caught red-handed, they just need to remove their work is. Graffiti itself can be a means of the bomber to voice their social lives. But now even more inclined graffiti as a form of creativity in the arts.
It?'s My Style
Flow or in a graffiti style quite a lot, but it? Tag? is one of the foundation that must be owned by the bomber. Tag is a style of writing or making drawings or writings so interesting, usually characterized by the bombers each on its tag them. In addition there is also the so-called tags throw-up or so-called fill-in, this is a very fast drawing techniques using two to three colors, where speed becomes the main objective in the style of this one.
Most said the graffiti is what is referred to wildstyle. This style is called where a bomber can do anything, be it in terms of design or color selection, and the work of the most extreme being the most interesting thing here. The bombers were each produced works that sometimes makes a person should consider carefully the purpose and meaning of their works are.
And Radical Political
Graffiti also has a pretty bad reputation in the eyes of the government in almost all countries, because the graffiti was accused of being the most frontal media to blaspheme or criticize harshly a government in a country. Although even now a lot of graffiti that has left such a way, but still the government still many who do not agree with this one. You could say this art is an underground art category. You could say that because this activity is done in secret and is usually done at night. Talking about graffiti and politics will not be separated by a character named Alexander brener. He was the first to bring politics to the arts, and he also was the first political voice through the media on this one.
Decorative And High Art
Graffiti now beginning to enter the golden age, except in Indonesia, in America or rather in the Brooklyn Museum held exhibitions graffiti often now referred to as contemporary art. Various professional bomber like Crash, Lee, Daze, Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat became a hero in the art of graffiti. About 22 bomber participated in this exhibition. Similarly in the United else in Australia. State makes this one even graffiti as a public race always has a number of participants very much.
Graffiti Against The Law
In America graffiti was first discovered, because the number of bombers that bombed-bardir the corners of American cities, the government began providing the land for the bomber mengekplorasikan their works. In Philadelphia, for example. In 1984, the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network (PAGN) who was strongly opposed to this art eventually create a whole a program called Mural Arts Program. This program provides a very decent, but if the bomber is making graffiti on the outside of the area, the severe punishment must be ready to accept them.
Graffiti As Political Message
Beware ferocious dogs! Apparently a part of the ancient graffiti. Huh? And if Belia like narcissistic trus connect to graffiti walls, roots can be found in a gladiator school. Imagine a mighty gladiator, Celadus Crescens, was so narcissistic to make a graffiti with the words Suspirium puellarum Celadus Thraex that would mean roughly "the destroyer Celadus makes girls sigh." Ciee .. Even more modern term that was originated from classic graffiti, like Mansveta tene "handle with care.
Graffiti is taken from the Italian language, which is the past tense graffiato of graffiare, making scratches. Then traced back to the Latin root word graphein, meaning to write. Historically, the use of the word used to describe the meaning of graffiti scribbles, drawings were found on the walls or the ancient ruins of Rome. That is then evolved to include a variety of graffiti on various surfaces public or private, without permission, which can be categorized as vandalism.
Humiliation, political messages, to a declaration of love to be found in ruins in the aftermath of the volcano Vesuvius, Pompeii-Italian city. Street life that we often encounter in the modern city wall. The first modern-style graffiti found in the ancient Greek city, Ephesus, now known as Turkey. Graffiti is illustrated palms, soles, money, and a breathtaking image. Hmm .. Is yet another romantic smell? Some experts describe it actually has meaning prostitusional promotion. Why, can not you? Uniquely, the custom of the Romans when he saw the graffiti is gatel to embellish his writings. Especially if it turns out he is familiar with the creator of the writing, or agree with what is written there.
Not only the Romans and Greeks wrote that had a history of graffiti. Ancient Mayan site in Guatemala, also has examples of ancient graffiti. Vikings are also chalked their graffiti in Rome and Ireland, the nation Varangians fun writing in Hagia Sophia, Constantinople. Old Irish nation making graffiti on the rocks, form an ancient alphabet called Ogham. Some recent examples of possible baseball can be called the graffiti, in the modern sense, but experts categorized the history of the case.
The period of occupation and colonialism is indirectly accelerate and expand the development of graffiti. In 1790, when Napoleon tried to conquer Egypt, the soldiers making graffiti on the historic site of the nation's worshipers of Ra. Then the habit of leaving marks such as, "Joni was here", which we find in the various tourist attractions, public toilets or even on a mountain top. It originated from the custom of the army in World War II. Including one of the most popular forms of graffiti when it is Mr. Chad, a face image with a pair of eyes and nose hanging, along with the words "What No".
Era leaving this sign still has not entered into the world of the alley, until the late 20th century, though still illegal, of course. Illegal graffiti artist first recorded case was Cornbread, of Philadelphia. Cornbread media have started using spray paint to produce his work. Development of the gangster, in the ghetto in America sparked the development of a more modern graffiti with spray paint and tagging media unique from the artist. Graffiti in the alley, often used to convey a political message to the opponent, or the memory of their hero. When the Notorious BIG and Tupac Shakur died, leaving a long war between East Coast and West Coast, their names immortalized on various walls with graffiti.
Graffiti? Using pilox As Propaganda Tool
Two young men wearing balaclava and unclear in his hands clasped pilox as a "weapon of action". Both looks fun doodle wall that was originally white. Occasionally they look from side to side to make sure no one has seen them "in action".
What have they done?
Many people say that people do earlier is bombing. It sounded like a bomb dropped into a place like a damn dog that rained Gaza Israel today with their cowardly bombs. But it's certainly not intended. But it could be also that they want because of their limitations. All possibilities and wishes it could happen depending on the motive behind it.
Back to the issue earlier bombing, graffiti or pictures they pour better known as Street Art or ngetrend again called graffiti. Graffiti itself is derived from the Italian language is "graffito" or "graphein" (Greek) which means writing. Popularly known as graffiti. He is an activity that uses color composition, line, shape and volume of a particular sentence to write on the wall. The tools used are usually spray paint cans. No one knows clearly when one art is gaining popularity in the world. Some evidence suggests that the graffiti was there during the reign of the Roman Empire. Allegedly Ancient Egyptian culture was already familiar with this. It can be seen from the paintings on the walls of the Pyramid that communicates a specific language. Bahakan in Indonesia once, graffiti is well known especially when the Revolution. Jargon Merdeka Atoe Dead so often we see in the history books. Yes it?
Graffiti began to change from time to time and finally now more familiar with modern graffiti. In its development, the early 70's graffiti in America and Europe into a group identity that flourished in urban areas. But because the image is not good, graffiti already a scourge for the security of the city. The reason is because they provoke a war between a group or gang. Besides done on an empty wall, graffiti was often made on the subway walls.
Therefore, in some countries graffiti becomes a taboo even criminal, in Indonesia itself unclear passages about this one. If the bomber (call for graffiti makers) caught red-handed, they just need to remove the results of their work.
Unlike the United States, each state has its own rules for this problem. San Diego, California, New York already have laws stipulating that graffiti is illegal. In Philadelphia in 1984 formed the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network (PAGN). This program provides a very decent, but if the bomber is making graffiti on the outside of the area, the severe punishment must be ready to accept them.
Generally graffiti bomber used as a means to voice their social lives. The existence of social classes that are too far apart to cause trouble for a certain class of society to express his artistic activities. As a result, some individuals using the facilities available in almost all cities, namely the wall. Art education causes less objects often appear in the form of graffiti writings or password that is only understood certain groups. Usually, this work showed dissatisfaction with social conditions they experience.
Activities graffiti as a means of showing discontent started in Roman times with evidence of allusions to paintings on the walls of government buildings. This painting was found in the ruins of Pompeii. While in Rome itself used as a propaganda tool to discredit Christians who at that time prohibited the emperor. In modern times, graffiti often provocative. For example, look at the Palestinian-Israeli war. Also serves as a flood of emotions from oppression, social injustice, and so on.
But although graffiti is generally destructive and cause high maintenance costs cleanliness of the city, but the graffiti remains an expression that must be respected. Because it is a manifestation of a form of expression over the circumstances. They are caring and very konsren on something and try to propagate that the issue of what happens can be perceived others as well.
Flow or style in quite a lot of graffiti. But in umumnnya graffiti consists of 3 things; Radical & Politis, Decorative, and against the law. These issues are always shown from the bomber. Each bomber has the tendency of each of his choice. Some chose graffiti-themed graffiti than merely decorative. But some others choosing themes such as The Law Against Cops Kill People With Guns, We Kill Cops With This!. While others choose to conduct bombing on social issues, political, such as Free Palestine, Destroy Capitalists and Socialists, Save Palestine With Jihad, Jihad! Raise Your weapon Mujahideen! Hey Muslim Palestine Calls You, etc.. This they do as a form of criticism and disappointment with the situation. And very likely due to their inability to provide the appropriate assistance. So rather than no help at all they encourage people to be unwilling to contribute significantly to what they propagandakan in his graffiti.
For those who feel the current situation is, of course, all aware of the conditions. Especially for those who are concerned about the name change of a word. Perhaps one of the preferred model of graffiti can be used as a propaganda tool. Because graffiti has been known to be quite powerful to denounce the government, the hypocritical silence and propagate opinions that the people want change. So, the choice is all of you. Be a Bomber? Or more than that? Being a Jihady Bomber??? Hopefully!Posted by graffiti art at 02:49 No comments:graffitiA Bit About Graffiti
Graffiti is an art that developed in urban streets. Development has begun in the 70s on the European continent. At first the gang graffiti is used as the identity and specific groups. Graffiti gang used as a way to control an area.
Unlike Indonesia, the graffiti is already there in colonial times. When the graffiti was used as propaganda encouraging the nation against Dutch colonialism. By writing slogans like "Ajo Boeng Boeng" on a wall even with a big risk if caught by Dutch forces (usually spelled the Company).
Some terms in graffiti:
BombActivity or process being performed when making graffiti.
PieceEach of the works that have been created in a single word or abbreviation.
TagThe hallmark or signature can be said to be included in one piece or without a piece.
DripThe paint is too thick melted when sprayed.
CansCans containing paint used for graffiti.
CapsCans head shapes and sizes that produce a variety of sprays.
MarkerYou could say the markers, but the markers are permanent and high wetness.
SketchThe concept of graffiti written on paper.
BomberSomeone who makes the graffiti
CrewA group consisting of some graffiti bomber who all had nicknames respectively.
Wheat PasteThe images on the paper attached to the wall using flour.
BlockbusterA very large piece, length can reach tens of meters.
StencilA graffiti made using molds.
MaskClosing or respiratory safety during bombing.

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